The following is a primer on the basic structure of a Licensed Producer operating under the ACMPR. Portions may be applicable to Micro Producers but we intend on dealing with those entities separately and “hypothetically” as micro facilities are not numerous enough to provide the data needed to extrapolate best practices. This primer will be kept up to date and modified accordingly based on feedback from our core of professional members.
A licensed producer or LP operates at a fairly large scale (50+ personnel) when compared to old school grow operations which were kept fairly small for numerous reasons. With the addition of micro production facilities under the the Health Canada regulations we will likely see a number of “craft brew” companies looking to fill the less profitable niches that the larger LP’s will ignore.
Below is an archetype departmental structure operating under the ACMPR. Each department provides an elemental component to the operation as a whole. The atomic weight defines a level of operational authority. Lines can express interaction during the operations process. Each element may be composed of individuals or groups. Elements at lower levels are usually comprised of larger groups with their own internal organizational hierarchy.
An index of the components will follow. We are working on getting this diagram posted as an editable VSD file as most other flowchart programs can import Visio files. We will also provide a user editable document with our definitions and room for customization.