The story of cannabis can be summed up in one word: “patsy”.
Simply put, cannabis has been vilified for crimes it was never responsible for. It was simply a convenient target for a petty functionary of the United States Federal Government (aka Harry Anslinger). He used it to save his soon to be decommissioned Prohibition Agency, built during the current regime’s failed attempt to ban alcohol during the 1920’s (to 1933*). He simply concocted a new target and drew upon his resources to convince the public and government of a need to make cannabis a controlled substance.
There are indications that a significant amount of discreet support came from industries that were competing against Hemp Producers and conspiracy theorists have suggested the involvement of groups ranging from the forestry industry to the KKK. The classic film “Reefer Madness” also helped to solidify the negative perception of Cannabis by the public.
In point of fact, the term Marijuana (Marihuana according to some) is frequently cited as masterful piece of propaganda since it became an accepted, surrogate term for Cannabis. The name Marijuana is derived from a Latino term, creating both an association with poor Mexican immigrants while simultaneously supplanting the original name, Cannabis which was, at the time, prescribed by doctors for its well documented therapeutic benefits.
“The truth always comes out” as the saying goes but the road to legalization (or “legislization” as the case may be) has truly been a battle, complete with fatalities. The honest scientific research of the orignal LaGuardia Report, Shafer Report, Dr. Raphael Mechoulam and others, alongside the unforgettable efforts of Cannabis champions such as Ed Rosenthal, Rick Simpson, our own Marc & Jodie Emery (and many others too numerous to mention here) has allowed the people to learn both the many benefits and mostly mild side effects of this much maligned medicinal plant.
At this point in time we should also acknowledge the visionary political actions of governments such as those of the British, Dutch and Israeli’s as well as the courage of our own politicians most notably that of The Right Honourable Justin P. J. Trudeau | Prime Minister of Canada, whose policies have made it possible for us as a nation to become World Leader in the new and rapidly expanding Cannabis Industry.
Green on!
*According to Wikipedia